GoodGist Success Stories

10X Productivity Gain for a Content Marketer
Meet Emily, a Content Marketer
Emily works at a marketing agency, responsible for creating blog posts, conducting SEO research, and managing social media campaigns. However, she often finds herself overwhelmed with repetitive tasks and research.

by GoodGist Marketing

Time-Traps in Content Marketing
Research Overload
Emily spends 2 hours on keyword and competitor research daily, limiting her productivity.
Limited Content Production
Due to time constraints, Emily only manages to produce 3 posts per week, impacting her overall output.
Manual Scheduling Burden
Emily loses valuable time manually scheduling posts across various platforms, reducing her focus on strategy.
AI Agents: The Content Creator's Secret Weapon


15 Minutes Setup
Emily creates an AI agent to handle research, drafting, and scheduling. The setup process is quick and intuitive.


Instant Content Generation
Within minutes, the AI produces outlines for 5 blog posts. This rapid ideation accelerates Emily's workflow.


One-Day Content Strategy
Emily now generates and schedules her weekly content in just one day. This efficiency boost allows for more strategic thinking.
How did Emily do that?
Emily created an agent :
The Agent did SEO analysis for her website :
Also, created weekly content for Emily in less than 5 mins!
Emily Implemented AI in her Workflow :
Created an AI Agent
Emily uses GoodGist's Build Agent feature to create a customized AI assistant tailored to her needs.
Configured for SEO
The AI is set up to pull relevant keywords and draft posts based on current trends and SEO best practices.
Automated Routine Tasks
Within 15 minutes, the AI agent handles Emily's routine content generation, freeing up her time for creativity.
Transformative Results
Emily's productivity went way up. She now writes 10 blog posts a week, instead of just 3 – that's a huge improvement! This helped her agency grow and become known as a leader in the industry. The AI-written content also got 20% more engagement, showing that it really works.
By letting the AI do the routine stuff, Emily gained 15 hours a week. This gave her more time to think up new and creative marketing ideas. These new ideas helped her agency get 15% more website traffic and 10% more leads, which proves how important strategic thinking is.