Unlocking Productivity Gains with AI: The Power of Task Automation
Boost your team's efficiency and free up time for strategic initiatives with AI-powered task automation.
The Time Trap
75% of Professionals Spend 28 Hours Per Week on Mundane and Repetitive Tasks
Searching for Information
Professionals spend an average of 1.5 hours per day searching for information, from gathering data for reports to researching customer inquiries.
Filling Out Forms Or Documents
Data entry tasks, such as filling out forms, take up an average of 1 hour per day, hindering productivity and causing frustration.
Reviewing Documents
Document review processes consume significant time, averaging 2 hours per day, as professionals carefully examine information for accuracy and completeness.
Routine Communications
Routine communication tasks like sending status updates, handling repetitive and similar support requests, and similar tasks consume on an average 1.1 hours per day.
Hourly Rates of Professionals Performing Repetitive Work
Calculating the Productivity Gain for a 1,000-Employee Company


Time Saved
Assuming an average of 5.6 hours per day spent on repetitive tasks, automating these can save 5,600 people-hours per day for a 1,000-employee company.


Cost Savings
Based on an average hourly rate of $50, this translates to a cost savings of $280,000 per day, or $67,200,000 per year.


Productivity Boost
This freed-up time can be redirected to more strategic and value-adding activities, leading to a significant productivity boost.
Ready To Get Productivity Gains For Your Workplace?
With GoodGist you can stay ahead of the curve by adopting Agentic Process Automation for repetitive tasks at your business. It is the easiest, fastest, and most cost-effective way to create & use AI Agents at work. No Coding required. Create and use in minutes.
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